Rocket Quest
Nota: se você fizer a Rocket Quest você não poderá fazer a Police Quest.
Para iniciar a quest vá até o Cassino de Celadon, desça no bueiro e ganhe o duel do NPC Rocket Kurt que está guardando a entrada do Rocket Hideout para que ele lhe dê permissão para entrar.
Player: hi
Rocket Kurt: We, Team Rocket, are Pokemon gangsters! We strike fear with our strength!
Player: battle
Rocket Kurt: We, Team Rocket, are Pokemon You can't defeat the Team Rocket!
Player: yes
Rocket Kurt: How many Pokemons? min 3 max 6!
Player: 3
Vá até o NPC Giovanni.
Player: hi
Giovanni: Welcome to my hideout! It shall be so until I can restore Team Rocket to its former glory! So, I must say, I am impressed you got here! I have to warn you that this is not a place for kids, unless you want to JOIN the Team Rocket.
Player: join
Giovanni: Team Rocket captures Pokemon from around the world. They're important tools for keeping our criminal enterprise going. If you want to join, you must answer me what you seek: Power? Fortune? Fame? Everything?
Player: everything
Giovanni: Yes, that is what a true team rocket member wants! You can choose to help the Team Rocket or the Police, are you sure Team Rocket is your choice? There is no coming back.
Player: yes
Giovanni: Good! You are a member of the Team Rocket! I am the Leader Giovanni, you will receive missions directly from me! Ask for your first mission when you are ready.
Agora você é um rocket e recebeu a outfit dos rockets.
Giovanni Missions
Player: mission
Giovanni: So, you want your first mission, good! I sent a team to steal a bag of rare fossils at MT.Moon, but a team of several police surprised my team! You must defeat then and bring the bag of fossils to sell at the black market. Are you interested?
Player: yes
Giovanni: OK! When you get the bag of fossils, sell it to Sirius, he is our merchant from the black market, you can found him inside this hideout, then bring the money suitcase to me!
Agora vá até o Mt. Moon. Mate 5 NPCs Police Recruit e pegue a backpack no final do corredor.
You see a backpack. It's an unique item.
Volte ao Rocket Hideout em Celadon e vá até o NPC Sirius.
Player: hi
Sirius: Hello! Welcome to the Team Rocket black market! Want me to 'sell goods' to you?
Player: sell goods
Sirius: Nice! These fossils are worth a lot of money! Pleasure doing business with you!
Após falar com o Sirius, volte no Giovanni.
Player: hi
Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
Player: mission
Giovanni: Have you completed your mission?
Player: yes
Giovanni: Good! I must confess I wasn't expecting to see you again! It seems I was wrong. Maybe you are stronger than I expected! Good job!
Player: mission
Giovanni: I sent one of my grunts to steal rare items from the vermilion mart, but someone reported him, and he is stuck there! Show me you are stronger than I thought! Defeat any police there, and bring the items to sell at the black market, ok?
Player: yes
Giovanni: Good! When you have the bag of items sell it to Sirius and bring me the money! Do not disappoint me!
Vá até o Mark de Vermilion e desça no subsolo. Mate 2 Police Officer e abra o chest no final do corredor.
You see a bag. It's an unique item.
Volte no NPC Sirius no Rocket Hideout em Celadon.
Player: hi
Sirius: Hello! Welcome to the Team Rocket black market! Want me to 'sell goods' to you?
Player: sell goods
Sirius: Good! These rare items will earn us a lot of money in the black market! Pleasure doing business with you!
Agora volte no NPC Giovanni.
Player: hi
Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
Player: mission
Giovanni: Have you completed your mission?
Player: yes
Giovanni: Interesting! I think I finally found a useful member, not trashes like Jessie and James! You should be able to do a major crime to me! Ask me when you are ready to begin!
Player: mission
Giovanni: I want the Master ball schematics for a major research, and you are going to get it for me! But you will not be able to infiltrate the police station with those annoying growlithes around! First you will give them poisoned food, are you ready?
Player: yes
Giovanni: Here! It is a poisoned food, give it to those 3 growlithes at the police station, it will make them sleep and they won't see you undercover.
You see a northern pike. It's an unique item.
Vá até o quartel da polÃcia ao sul de Viridian. Próximo à entrada do quartel há um cercadinho com 3 growlithes, entre neste cercadinho e use a comida nos 3 growlithes.
you have poisoned strong growlithe.
you have poisoned fast growlithe.
you have poisoned sniffer growlithe.
Volte no Rocket Hideout e vá até o NPC Giovanni.
Player: hi
Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
Player: mission
Giovanni: Have you completed your mission?
Player: yes
Giovanni: Ahh it's a good start! Those growlithes were ruining all my infiltration plans! Good work!
Player: mission
Giovanni: Lets continue with the mission. With those growlithes out of the way, I will give you a disguise so the police wont recognize you are from team rocket! You must return to the viridian police station and steal the vault key... are you ready?
Player: yes
Giovanni: OK! Here, this will make them see you as a police and they wont attack you, it will only last for 30 minutes, so make haste, find the chest with the vault key and bring it to me! Good luck!
Volte ao quartel da polÃcia ao sul de Viridian e abra o chest na sala da Captain Jenny.
Não esqueça de colocar seu police outfit para que os policiais não te ataquem. Você terá 30 minutos para completar esta missão.
You see a key. It's an unique item.
Volte no Rocket Hideout e fale com o NPC Giovanni.
Player: hi
Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
Player: mission
Giovanni: Finally I put my hands on this key! Good Work! Now I think you can do you greatest mission! Tell me when you are ready to begin!
Player: mission
Giovanni: You must be excited to receive your most important mission! I can say it will be hard for a new member like you, but you will be well rewarded for all you've done to Team Rocket! I can only tell the rest if you accept the mission, are you ready?
Player: yes
Giovanni: Here is the plan: first you must find the hidden bank at viridian forest, and defeat any police you find there! I'm giving you that key you stole on your last mission, you will have to use it, to open the chest and steal the master ball schematics!
Agora vá até a floresta ao norte de Viridian e entre na estação policial. Você deverá matar 5 Police Recruit e 3 Police Officer e usar a chave que o NPC Giovanni entregou no chest no final do corredor.
You see a book. It's an unique item.
Volte no Rocket Hideout e fale com o NPC Giovanni.
Player: hi
Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
Player: mission
Giovanni: Did you get the master ball schematics?
Player: yes
Giovanni: Excellent! I can finally continue my top secret research! Here is your reward for all your services to the Team Rocket you helped me a lot in restoring this team to its former glory! I will have more missions for you later, we are done for now!
Reward: 5.000 dollars and Average Pokemon Egg (Box 2).
Agora você poderá iniciar Cassidy and Butch Missions e Jessie and James Missions.
Player: hi
Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
Player: mission
Giovanni: Yes, I could use your help again, we're having problems with the police in some regions... I sent two teams to solve the situation, but they are taking too much time to do it! Can you help?
Player: yes
Giovanni: Good, I sent Jessie and James to Pinkan island, and Cassidy and Butch to Ascorbia island. Help them with their jobs! You will be well rewarded!
Cassidy and Butch Missions
Vá até o Rocket Hideout de Ascorbia e fale com os NPCs Cassidy e Butch.
Player: hi
Cassidy: Hey grunt! The police is bothering our plans at Tarroco island! I could use your help!
Player: help
Cassidy: I will explain the situation. We have rockets infiltrated as police at Tarroco island, but they are discovering their identity somehow! Can you help?
Player: yes
Cassidy: Ok, here is the plan! You must go to Tarroco island and steal 4 police secret plans at their outposts, I'm counting on you!
Player: hi
Butch: Hey grunt! The police is bothering our plans at Tarroco island! I could use your help!
Player: help
Butch: The police are ruining my plans! Can you help me defeat some of them?
Player: yes
Butch: Ok! I need you to defeat 50 Police Officers and 20 Police Recruits at Tarroco island, come back here when you're done with them! If you can...
Vá até a Tarroco Island e dê use nos 4 planos da polÃcia que se encontram em 4 salas espalhadas na ilha.
You see a stolen police information. It's an unique item.
Mate 50 Police Officers e 20 Police Recruits.
Volte para o Rocket Hideout de Ascorbia e fale com a Cassidy e o Butch.
Player: hi
Cassidy: Hey grunt! The police is bothering our plans at Tarroco island! I could use your help!
Player: help
Cassidy: Did you steal all 4 police secret plans?
Player: yes
Cassidy: Good job! I must confess I thought you would fail to do it! But there is still something I need help with.
Player: help
Cassidy: There is one last thing I need help with. We decodified the secret plans! The police is using a lie detector to find our infiltrated rockets! Can you help us protect their identity?
Player: yes
Cassidy: Good, at Tarroco island there is a large Police Station with a pokemon center inside. Go in there, find and steal the lie detector, defeat anyone that get in your way! You will be well rewarded, good luck! ...
Player: hi
Butch: Hey grunt! The police is bothering our plans at Tarroco island! I could use your help!
Player: help
Butch: Already? Did you defeat all of them?
Player: yes
Butch: Hmmm, you are stronger than I thought! I think you can help even more!
Player: help
Butch: You defeated those weakest police, but the colonels and captains are giving much more trouble! Do you think you can defeat them?
Player: yes
Butch: You must defeat 5 Police Colonel and 15 Police Captain! I hope you can do it, Giovanni would kill us otherwise...
Volte na Tarroco Island, mate 5 Police Colonel e 15 Police Captain e pegue o lie detector que se encontra no último andar do Quartel, no final do corredor.
Retorne para o Rocket Hideout e fale com os NPCs Cassidy e Butch novamente.
Player: hi
Cassidy: Hey grunt! The police is bothering our plans at Tarroco island! I could use your help!
Player: help
Cassidy: Did you steal the police lie detector?
Player: yes
Cassidy: Excelent! Giovanni will reward us for this! Thanks for your help! Take this reward for all your trouble!
Reward: 100.000 experience points and 40.000 dollars.
Player: hi
Butch: Hey grunt! The police is bothering our plans at Tarroco island! I could use your help!
Player: help
Butch: Did you manage to defeat all those captain!?
Player: yes
Butch: Perfect! The police wont give us much trouble now! Good job grunt! Here, this is your reward for helping me!
Reward: 500.000 experience points and 10.000 dollars.
Jessie and James Missions
Para iniciar essa missão vá até a Pinkan Island e fale com os NPCs Jessie e James.
Player: hi
James: Hey grunt! We need to explore all resources from this island! I could use some help!
Player: help
James: The police are ruining my plans! Can you help me defeat some of them?
Player: yes
James: Ok! I need you to defeat 30 Police Officers and 5 Police Recruits, come back here when you're done with them! If you can...
Player: hi
Jessie: Hey grunt! We need to explore all resources from this island! I could use some help!
Player: help
Jessie: Those pink fruits in the trees only grow in this island! They turn pokemon color into pink! We need as much as we can get, but the police are protecting it! Can you help us?
Player: yes
Jessie: Glad to hear it! Here, use this bag to get 200 pink fruits and bring it to me. Watch out for the police out there! Good luck!
You see an empty pinkan fruit backpack. It's an unique item.
Colete as 200 pink fruits usando a basket nas árvores e mate os 30 Police Officers e 5 Police Recruits, depois retorne nos NPCs Jessie e James.
You see a full pinkan fruit backpack. It's an unique item.
Player: hi
Jessie: Hey grunt! We need to explore all resources from this island! I could use some help!
Player: help
Jessie: Did you get all those pink fruits?
Player: yes
Jessie: Good job! I must confess I thought you would fail to do it! But there is still something I need help with.
Player: help
Jessie: There is one last thing I need help with. When a pokemon eat a pink fruit, it only have a pink color for some minutes, but those pink pokemon out there grown up eating the pink fruit, now they will be forever in a pink color! Can you help me?
Player: yes
Jessie: Here is the plan. We need those pokemon to do experiments, here, use this cage to hold 100 pink pokemon! I will be sending some grunts to pick up the caged pokemon, good luck!
You see a cage. It's an unique item.
Player: hi
James: Hey grunt! We need to explore all resources from this island! I could use some help!
Player: help
James: Already? Did you defeat all of them?
Player: yes
James: Hmmm, you are stronger than I thought! I think you can help even more!
Player: help
James: You defeated those weakest police, but the captains are giving much more trouble! Can you help?
Player: yes
James: You must defeat 10 Police Captain! I hope you can do it, Giovanni would kill us otherwise...
Você deverá prender 100 pokemons rosa na gaiola e matar 10 Police Captain e depois voltar nos NPCs Jessie e James.
Player: hi
Jessie: Hey grunt! We need to explore all resources from this island! I could use some help!
Player: help
Jessie: Did you cage those 100 pink pokemon?
Player: yes
Jessie: Excelent! Giovanni will reward us for this! Thanks for your help! Take this reward for all your trouble!
Reward: 300.000 experience points, 10.000 dollars and a pinkan fruit.
Player: hi
James: Hey grunt! We need to explore all resources from this island! I could use some help!
Player: help
James: Did you manage to defeat all those captain!?
Player: yes
James: Perfect! The police wont give us much trouble now! Good job grunt! Here, this is your reward for helping me!
Reward: 300.000 experience points and 20.000 dollars
Final Mission
Floresta de Viridian...